Biblical Principles for Discipleship/Counseling
Biblical Principles for Discipleship/Counseling
The booklet includes all of the 105 principles from the Self-Confrontation manual as well as 32 principles from the Handbook for Biblical Discipleship / Counseling available in one package.
The booklet includes an index that makes it easy to find specific topics or key words. This can be helpful in locating the most relevant scripture verses for your own study or when you are discipling/counseling others.
The booklet is also now “perfect bound” (not comb bound like previously) which allows for easier carrying, (tucking inside a Bible etc.)
It is in 5.5” by 8” format and can be more easily carried inside the back cover of your Bible or carrying case.
If you are looking for International (Non-English) versions, use the following link:
Retail: $4.84
1 copy: 4.00
2 - 49: 3.50
50 +: 3.00